
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How can I contact customer support?

A: You can easily reach our customer support team by using our online contact form. Simply visit our Contact page, fill out the required fields with your name, email address, and message, and submit the form. Our support team will review your inquiry and respond to you as soon as possible. We aim to reply within 24-48 hours during business days. Please note that emails sent directly to our support email address will not be received; all inquiries must be submitted through our online contact form for proper handling.

Q: How do I build my Bloom Haven Box?

A: To build your Bloom Haven Box, please follow the detailed instructions provided on our page. You can find the step-by-step guide, along with visual aids and tips, to help you assemble your Blossom Box with ease. Visit our Instruction Page for more information.

Q: When will my item be delivered?

A: We aim to deliver your item within 7-12 business days from the date of purchase. This timeframe allows us to process, package, and ship your order to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition. Please note that delivery times may vary based on your location and any potential delays with the shipping carrier.

Q: Can I track my order?

A: Yes you can track your order! Once your item has shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number you can use on our store tracking page. Use this information to monitor the status and estimated delivery date of your package.